A Basic Understanding of How an Engine Works

The plural of vehicle is several. For example, there are cars, trucks, vans, and so on. We also have multiple types of combination vehicles: cars and SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), mini-vans and fifth wheels (sometimes referred to as RVs or RV’s). When it comes to the word “vehicle” itself, it denotes the act of moving or existence. Moving on the topic of vehicles briefly, what is meant by vehicle?

Vehicle is a noun that indicates something movable, whether it is an object that is being moved or an assemblage of objects moving together. Moving vehicles are ones that can be steered, such as on a road, whereas non-movable vehicles are not normally steerable. In other words, a vehicle is a thing that can be moved.

It would be surprising to someone who has never driven a vehicle, to know that the term “vehicle” is really just a description of a mass of parts moving together to move something. Different people have different needs for their vehicles. Some only need their vehicles for short distances; others will use their vehicles for extended road trips. Some people will even use their vehicles as work vehicles; transporting their tools back and forth from work. And, of course, some people will use their vehicles as mode of transportation.

Now if you were to examine any vehicle, no matter if it is a truck, van, or car, you will notice that each of these vehicles has a gas engine. There is also an electrical motor in place so that the vehicle can function. All of the engines are put together in a manner that allows them to function in harmony as one. Each part, however, is attached to another part through rods, bolts, and so on. When you look inside of the vehicle, you will see that this jumble of parts connects to and operates from a group of pistons. In order for any vehicle to run smoothly, all of these parts must work in unison.

Now while looking inside of a vehicle, you may be able to see that the engine is connected to the other parts via a connecting rod. But, how many of you know how the engine actually functions? Most of us probably know the basic workings of how the engine functions. We are most familiar with the intake tube and exhaust tube. These tubes allow the fuel (gasoline) and air to enter the engine and spread out before it is ignited.

Now when looking at how a vehicle works, we usually look at the engine in isolation. We seldom give it much attention since the entire vehicle is seen. But, it should be understood that the engine is one of the most moving parts in a vehicle. It is responsible for moving the entire vehicle from one place to another.

When a vehicle slows down, the engine has to expend more energy to move the vehicle; therefore, it consumes more fuel. In addition, the engine is one of the major parts that must be examined for wear and tear. Many small components of the engine can cause small problems over time; such as the battery cables, alternator belts, fan belts, gaskets, solenoid valves, and spark plugs. Even though each individual part is not the cause of a problem, it can be detrimental if they are all worn out at the same time.

If you have an engine and need to replace any specific part, it is important to be informed about how the parts fit together and whether or not you can replace them on your own. Many auto repair shops use generic parts for replacement. They may not know how to replace the parts correctly and could make things worse. As a result, you need to be very careful with any auto repairs.